Python Program to Print Odd Indexed Elements of a List

Python Program to Print Odd Indexed Elements of a List

In this article, we will be solving question based on very popular data type of Python i.e. List and Iteration. According to the question we have to print all the odd indexed elements of a list.

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Question - Write a Python Program to Print Odd Indexed Elements of a List

Python Program to Print Odd Indexed Elements of a List

Logic and Explanation

Question - Write a Python Program to Print Odd Indexed Elements of a List

Python Program to Print Odd Indexed Elements of a List - In this program we have print all the odd indexed elements of a list. For this we will run a loop from the first odd index of the list i.e. 1 till the length of list with a step of 2 i.e. the values in the loop will be 1, then 3, then 5 and so on till the length of list.

Now, once we got the odd index values, just call the element of list using the index and print it in the terminal. That's simple is the process. Here's the code for the same.

L = [2,5,9,7,6,3,8,9]

for i in range(1,len(L),2):

Output - 


One more way to do the same task can be iterating through all the numbers from 1 to length of list and then first checking them for odd number and then printing the element of the list at the corresponding index. 

You can also check the code for this method below.

L = [2,5,9,7,6,3,8,9]

for i in range(1,len(L)):
    if i%2 !=0:

Note:- That not equal to sign is to be replace by !=  in the code.

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Enjoy Coding!!!

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