Python Program to Print First N Elements of a List

Python Program to Print First N Elements of List

In this article, we will be solving question based on List and Looping in Python. According to the question we have to print first N elements of a list.

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Question - Write a Python Program to Print First N Elements of a List

Python Program to Print First N Elements of a List

Logic and Explanation

Question - Write a Python Program to Print First N Elements of a List

Python Program to Print First N Elements of a List - In this program we have to find print first N elements of a list. So, for this we will be using the concept of accessing an element of a list using it's index and for loop.

Know More About List and List Slicing - Click Here

As indexing in list starts from 0, so for printing first N elements we will be running a loop from 0 to N-1 and then by using the index we will be printing the elements at the corresponding indices.

Let's see the code for more clarity.

L = [2,4,8,23,74,2,82,43,83,98,22,56,45]
for i in range(N):

Code Insights

  1. Consider a list L and it contains some elements.

  2. In for-loop, you can see it is written range(N). This runs the loop from 0 to N-1. So, whenever you want to run a loop from 0 to N-1, use range(N). It is similar to range(0,N).

  3. An element as index i in a list can be accessed as L[i] where L is the list.

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For More Such Python Programs - Click Here

Enjoy Coding!!!

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