Python Program to Change First and Last Letter of a Word

Python Program to Change First and Last Letter of a Word

In this article, we will going to solve an interesting question based on String Manipulation. We have to change first and last letter of a word or string.

Question - Write a Python Program to Change First and Last Letter of a Word

So, without wasting any time let's solve this question. If you like the article content, then share it in your coding groups so that more people can take advantage of the content. 

Python Program to Change First and Last Letter of a Word

Logic and Explanation

Question - Write a Python Program to Change First and Last Letter of a Word

Python Program to Change First and Last Letter of a Word - Suppose we are give a string "s".

s = "Welcome"

Now we have to change first letter and last of letter of this string so for this we will first create an empty string "r". Then we will concatenate the first letter which we want to at the place of "W". Then we will iterate through string "s" from index 1 to index len(s) i.e. basically we will pass through all the letters except first and last and as we will iterate we will concatenate in  "r". Now at last we will concatenate the last letter we required to change.

I hope the logic is clear to you. If you have any doubt in this part feel free to ask in comment below. If logic is clear to you, then you can check the code.

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Here's the code for Python Program to Change First and Last Letter of a Word.

s = "Welcome"

#Empty String
r = ""

#Taking input the first and last letter to be replaced
a = input("Enter first letter to be replaced:- ")
b = input("Enter last letter to be replaced:- ")

#Concatenating First Letter

#Concatenating Middle Letters
r += a
for x in range(1,len(s)):
    r = r + s[x]

#Concatenating Last Letter
r += b


Output : - 

Enter first letter to be replaced:- d
Enter last letter to be replaced:- g

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Enjoy Coding!!!

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