Top 10 Python Projects for Beginners

Top 10 Python Projects for Beginners

Your knowledge and experience are improved through project based learning. When you make projects, you strengthen your concepts by applying them in real life programs and you learn a practical use of the knowledge you gained as a coder.

Before we start with our post Top 10 Python Projects for Beginners, let's first answer the one of the common question that comes in your mind :- Why should you work on building projects?

Why to make Python Projects?

  • To Build Confidence :- As you will make projects, you will gain a strong determination towards your skills, also you will get know about your weaknesses and you can work on them to improve and master that thing.

  • Art of Project Building :- You will gain the art of project building. With time, you will gain the knowledge of how the software development cycle works. Also, you will be prepared to write code, run code, test the code, finding the bugs and fixing the bugs, debugging, etc. when you will work on bigger projects.

Now, let's start with the article. Note that this article Top 10 Python Projects for Beginners is intended for the beginners in Python. These projects will help you to apply your Python knowledge in real-life projects and gain practical knowledge. So, let's start with some basic projects that will build your foundation as a python programmer.

Top 10 Python Projects for Beginners

1) Guessing The Number

This may be an exciting Python project of the games and tools which require random number generator. It can be used for lotteries, board games, or a simple game like guessing a random number between the participants. In this you have to generate a random number, so you should have knowledge of the random module. After that you will be asking for the input from the user and then you will be checking whether the number entered is a correct match or not. So, you should know about the if/else statements and a little bit knowledge of for/while loops is required. You can also generate a hint depending on the number generated like it's multiple or divisor or it's factor, etc.

2) Dice Simulator

Create a dice roller for the games like board games or "Guess the number" game as mentioned above is a great fun. You can also create a game with it in which a random integer will be generated between 2 to 12 and two dice will be rolled. If the random number matches with the output on the dice then the player will get the points otherwise he will lose the game.

3) Alarm Clock

This is one of the most interesting projects for beginners. For this you have to create a notification, for this you have to use the plyer module. Also, for making it more cool, you can play music using os module. For this you should have knowledge of datetime module so that you can create the alarm at appropriate time.

4) Flappy Bird

It's a very interesting project for python-game development. In this game, there is a bird which falls down due to gravity and we can move it up using up arrow key. There are random pillars in the track one up and one down and the player has to move the bird safely between the pillars without crashing it anywhere. You can create this game using Pygame module. Add sound effects for making the game more interesting and enjoyable to play.

5) Random Password Generator

Creating a strong and safe password is a difficult work. You can create a program that takes some keyword input from user and generate a random password using that keyword so that user can also remember it. For this you can split the keyword and add some numbers between them. For this you should have good knowledge of strings in Python.

6) Wikipedia Search

This is a easy to understand and simple application you can made with Python. For this you will take input from the user about the topic he wants to search on Wikipedia and then you take out the summary of the article about that on Wikipedia and display on the screen. For this you can also create a GUI in which you will have a input box and a label to show the searched data.

7) Rock Paper Scissors

This application is created for a person who is alone and has nothing to play with. This program need a random function to produce random rock, paper or scissor by the program. Second you have to take input from the user about his choice. After that you will display the result according to the rules of the game. In this you first ask input from the user. You can ask for a integer input like you can say 1 for rock, 2 for paper and 3 for scissor. Also, keep the note that the program should generate valid results and each 3 objects should have an equal probability of display.

8) Currency Convertor 

As name implies, you will create a currency convertor that will take input the amount in one unit of currency and display it's value in another unit such as from Indian rupee to US Dollar. You can create a GUI ( Graphical User Interface ) using Tkinter or PyQt5 or Kivy for the purpose.

9) Instagram Photo/Video Upload 

Instagram is very popular nowadays. But you can can't use it properly without emulator on your pc. But if one don't want to install emulator's you can create a program that will upload photo or video on Instagram.

10) Desktop Assistant 

Last but not the least is a desktop assistant using Python. Yes, I am talking about a create a basic AI (Artificial Intelligence ) that will hear your query and will proceed through the query and gives you a reply. You can add many features to it like  say hello, opening files, play music, send e-mails, check social media accounts, tell the time, tell weather and many more. It's seem a bit complicated but it's very interesting. You can add a new feature everyday to your desktop assistant and make it powerful.

I hope you liked the project ideas. These are some general ideas on which you can work upon. Also, you can add-ups in these. Tell us in comments which project you liked the most? Or which project you decided to work on.

Enjoy Coding!!!

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