Python Program to check Prime Number

Python Program to check Prime Number

In this exercise, we will be creating a program to check whether a number is prime number or not. For this we will take a number input from user which he wants to check for prime.

Logic and Explanation

Then we will make a loop and will divide that number with all the numbers less than that number except 1. If any number divides it completely without leaving remainder then it is not prime and if it does not get divided by any number then it is a prime number

I hope the logic for question would be clear to you. You are advised to try it first and then check the program source code which is given below.

You can run and code in python online on this website - Python Online Interpreter

Source Code

n= int(input("Enter a number"))
for x in range(2,n):
    if n%x==0:
if x+1==n:
    print (n,"is a prime number")
    print (n,"is not a prime number")


Enter a number571
571 is a prime number
Enter a number267
267 is not a prime number

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  1. Can you explain why you given x+1==n after break statement?. I couldn't get it

    1. If any number from 2 to n-1 divides n then it is not prime as for prime it should have only two factors 1 and n.
      So, if loop is breaked then it means that it is not prime and if loop does not break then the value of x at the end of loop will be n-1.
      So, by writing x+1 = n, I am checking that whether loop has breaked somewhere or not.


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