Understanding Basic Terminologies - Ultimate Python Course Part - 1


Introduction to Python

Notes of the Lecture

  What is Python?

     Python is a general purpose high level programming language. It was initially designed by Guido von Rossum in 1991. Python is based on two languages ABC and Modula-3.

 Why Python - Advantages of Python

  • Easy to Learn and Use – It is developer friendly and a high level programming language.
  • Expressive - More under-stable and readable
  • Interpreted Language – Executes code line by line
  • Cross-platform Language – It can run on different platforms such as Windows, LINUX, UNIX, Macintosh, etc.
  • Free and Open Source – The source code is available free of cost.
 Disadvantages of Python
  • Not the fastest Language
  • Memory Consumption is High
  • Lesser libraries than Java, Perl
  • Limitations with database access
       Tokens : Smallest Unit of Program
  • Keyword – Convey special meaning to interpreter
  • Identifier – Fundamental Building Blocks. Example : variables, functions, etc.
  • Literals – Constant Data items that have fixed value like numbers, strings (text) , etc.
  • Operators – Trigger some action when applied to variable in an expression. Examples : +,-, / , >, < ,etc.

Python Course

    Arithmetic Operators

Relational Operators

    Logical Operators



       I hope this part would be clear to all. If you haven't watched the video on YouTube channel visit my channel and watch. If you like the content, please subscribe the channel and hit the like button. Your appreciation and suggestions  in comments are welcomed.

Author - Bhavik Agarwal


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